Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Someone Famous has that same Problem!

REALLY??? Whoopi Goldberg pees in her pants??? I had no idea! How awful that she has to wear Poise products. Couldn’t she use some of her money to repair that problem? How many kids has she had or was it too many Jumpin Jack Flashes? Oh yeah, I forgot, this doesn’t happen to HER she only plays someone on TV who has this issue….

Sally Field – I swear she has had Osteoporosis since she was in her thirties.

Jamie Lee Curtis – Enjoys Activia for a well working digestive system. I wonder if she might want to look into Gas X also?

Brooke Shields buys her furniture at Laz Z Boy. RIIIIGHT.

Not to mention all those stars with acne issues and weight problems.

I feel so much better knowing us non-stars are not alone….

I wonder who has hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome, inappropriate itching, dandruff, and issues in the bedroom sustaining? Stay tuned to a local channel at 4:30am to find out……


  1. You mean to tell me that Jamie Lee didn't really suffer through occasional bouts of straining to have a bowel movement?! It is kind of sad that her "body of work" has been reduced to an association with bodily functions.

  2. I have all of those problems except the getting it up problem. lol

  3. I did a post a while back making fun of that Us Weekly feature "Stars - they're just like Us!" What a bunch of bullshit.

  4. I love that Brooke does the one about the eye drops that can actually end up changing the color of your eyes. Yeah, right! I'm SURE she uses that one, too.

  5. Too bad this stuff only comes on at 4:30 a.m., otherwise I might watch it....

  6. HA!.....thank you! I have thought the same thing, and never expressed it....smiles.


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