Friday, December 30, 2011

Goodbye 2011

2011 has been really good to me.  2012 has a lot to live up to but I am confident there is room for improvement.  I don't make resolutions, but I do have a strong desire for certain things to happen and long wish and bucket lists just waiting for some check marks. ( less pressure when put that way.... )

Here is my Top 12 for 2012

Inspired by a conversation with my Mom, I would love to take a long weekend trip with the women in my life that I love and value. A Cruise or Vegas has been mentioned. (Calendar so far is barren and my vacation days start over January 1!)

I would like to find the person I once was that had the energy and desire to work out religiously and enjoy it.

I want to take my son to a few more concerts this year - this was the best bonding we did last year.  Music is one thing we both love with a similarity in taste.

I want to find a cause I am passionate about where I can donate my time and talent to.

I would like to visit relatives we rarely see for no particular reason other than I love and miss them.

I really want to start writing some chapters to my book.

I want to have wood floors in my house by the end of the year and maybe even start a few major remodeling projects.

I want to continue the trend the hubby and I did a good job of keeping up this year - less arguing, more connecting.

Lots more vintage decor has my name all over it.

The interior of my closet needs a major overhaul - All the styles I dream of will soon be reality.

I plan to continue a tradition I started toward the end of 2011 - making sure my kids and their cousins get together once a month for Cousins Day.

Finally, I resolve to take the time for a good, long, leisurely, bath.

Happy New Year!


Kate Geisen said...

Loving your goals. Happy New Year, my friend! Here's hoping for a fantastic 2012.

Hey Monkey Butt said...

Happy New Year lady. Love the list. I sure hope 2012 is better than 2011, but not all of 2011 was bad I guess.

Kimmie said...

Fantastic wishes! Happy 2012!!!!!!

Miss Bee said...

Those are great goals - and totally realistic! Good luck! I'm stealing your first one. Well, not really stealing, but it reminded me that I've wanted to take a trip with my mom and sister, so I'm adapting it for my own personal use. :)

Happy New Year!

Amy Cappelli said...

Happy New Year! May it be fulfilling, inspiring, joyful, fabulous-wrapped in love and peace!

DB Stewart said...

I like these. I might steal a few. Thanks.